PLAY BIGGER (High Performance Coaching)

The coaching programs are designed to assist our clients in making success easier by empowering them to transform their own life. Whether they are interested in personal or professional transformation, the consultation call can help provide clarity and focus on the aims and objectives that are most important to the client. This call may also help inform which Service Offer Level best suits our client’s unique needs and whether this program is a good fit for them and their lifestyle.

Transformation Boot Camp                                                                        Value: $16,713

3 Month Engagement

2 Monthly Integrated Coaching/Accountability Calls                              (Value: $6,525)

Customized Success Program                                                                 (Value: $3,100)

Get Results Workbook                                                                                (Value: $2,175)

Play All Out Massive Action System                                                        (Value: $3,500)

Priority Access To New Live Happy Network Programs                       (Value: $200)

Free Bonus: Monthly Goal Planning Session                                         (Value: $1,213)

 Transformation Boot Camp Investment                                             $4,797 


Silver Medal Level Coaching                                                                     Value: $28,053

6 Month Engagement

2 Monthly Integrated Coaching/Accountability Calls                              (Value: $13,050)

Customized Success Program                                                                 (Value: $3,100)

Get Results Workbook                                                                                (Value: $2,175)

Play All Out Massive Action System                                                        (Value: $3,500)

Remove The Blocks Program                                                                    (Value: $3,900)

Priority Access To New Live Happy Network Programs                       (Value: $200)

Free Bonus: Monthly Goal Planning Session                                         (Value: $1,213)

Free Bonus: Designing The Life You Deserve E-Book                        (Value: $15.00)

Free Bonus: Action Based Learning Guides and Resources               (Value: $900)

Silver Medal Level Coaching                                                                  $8,497 




Gold Standard Level Coaching                                                                 Valued At: $38,162

9 Month Engagement

2 Monthly Coaching Calls                                                                          (Value: $19,575)

1 Monthly Accountability Call                                                                    (Value: $1,087)

Customized Success Program                                                                 (Value: $3,100)

Get Results Workbook                                                                                (Value: $2,175)

Play All Out Massive Action System                                                        (Value: $3,500)

Remove The Blocks Program                                                                    (Value: $3,900)

Priority Access To New Live Happy Network Programs                       (Value: $200)

Free Bonus: Monthly Goal Planning Session                                         (Value: $1,213)

Free Bonus: Designing The Life You Deserve E-Book                        (Value: $15.00)

Free Bonus: Action Based Learning Guides and Resources               (Value: $900)

Free Bonus: Designing The Life You Deserve E-Course                     (Value: $2,497)

Gold Standard Level Coaching                                                              $13,797 



Platinum Achiever Level Coaching                                                         Valued At: $51,920

12 Month Engagement

2 Monthly Coaching Calls                                                                          (Value: $26,100)

1 Monthly Accountability Call                                                                    (Value: $1,087)

1 Monthly Visioning Call                                                                            (Value: $1,439)

Customized Success Program                                                                 (Value: $3,100)

Get Results Workbook                                                                                (Value: $2,175)

Play All Out Massive Action System                                                        (Value: $3,500)

Remove The Blocks Program                                                                    (Value: $3,900)

Priority Access To New Live Happy Network Programs                       (Value: $200)

Free Bonus: Monthly Goal Planning Session                                         (Value: $1,213)

Free Bonus: Designing The Life You Deserve E-Book                        (Value: $15.00)

Free Bonus: Action Based Learning Guides and Resources               (Value: $900)

Free Bonus: Designing The Life You Deserve E-Course                     (Value: $2,497)

Free Bonus: Habits of Success Playbook                                               (Value: $997)

Optional In-Person Intensive Visit                                                             (Value: $4,797)

Platinum Achiever Level Coaching                                                      $19,797 

Please indicate your desired program: ___________________________________________


Payment Options:

Option #1: I will provide the first monthly installment and pay $________ today and pay this amount on the first day of each month, according to my desired program.

Option #2: I will save the most by providing the full investment of $________ today.

Submit this form along with your credit card number to register for your desire program.


Card Number:  _________________________             CVV Number: _____________

Sign:  ________________________________             Date:   ___________________

The Transformation Boot Camp Program is a Three-Month Intensive that offers accelerated results for Peak Performance Achievers. Clients should consider program length and commitment along with their desired goals and objectives. To achieve the desired objectives and goals, we feel the indicated contractual time frames will provide the best opportunity for such results. There are instances where we can generate results sooner, but the respective commitment will give both client and coach a real chance to see positive change. Contracts are reconsidered and renewed six weeks before the end of the contract period.